Motor City Radio Club

Motion for voting ACTION REQUIRED - Resolution of Continued Governance, August 2020

07/31/2020 08:32 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

The Board of Directors has put forth a Motion and ask that the membership discuss and cast a vote.

Resolution of Continued Governance, August 2020

The Board of Directors, in consideration of the current State of Emergency and COVID-19 pandemic, respectfully ask the membership to extend the term of the currently serving Board to the General Membership Meeting in October of 2021 at that time a new Board will be elected per the current rules and by-laws.
For the governance year of 2020-2021, (October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021) members are free to call for a vote of "no confidence" and present a motion to the membership to open nominations for a change in leadership. 


YES vote means the current Board will stay in place and a new board will be elected in October of 2021. 

NO vote means the motion does not pass and elections will take place in October 2020 as scheduled. (A protocol for nominations and elections to be determined.)

07/31/2020 Begins the discussion period for this motion. Public discussion can be found at this link.

Members will receive an email on Monday 08/03/2020 with a link to cast their vote. Voting will be open for seven (7) days. 

Results of the vote will be posted on the website.


  • 08/01/2020 18:49 | Stan Briggs
    I guess it sound like a good solution to the issue as long as the the elected officers are willing to serve for another year. If someone is not willing to serve for another year some procedure should be developed to fill the vacancy.

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  • 08/02/2020 15:43 | Bill Loeber
    Normally I would vote "No" but due to the unprecedented times we find ourselves in I am forced to vote "Yes"! Thank you, to the board for handling this for the club.

    Bill NU3D
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