Motor City Radio Club

Upcoming scouting event Important info

08/10/2010 23:56 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

Hi All...


Below, Hanson mentions the need for adherance to the youth protection guidelines.  There is a short, no cost, online course that can be taken on the council's website...  It satisfies the requirements plus.  Per Hanson, it's just necessary to understand that there will NEVER be an opportunity where an adult will be alone with a Scout.  ANY interaction with a Scout must occur in plain sight of other Scouts and adults.  There are no secret organizations or clubs...


will get you to the training page.  'Bout half way down is the box for youth protection training.  You'll be redirected to the registration page.  Even though you are not a registered scouter, you can sign up, get a user name, and take the course.  Upon completion, you have the ability to print out your completion card.  It may ask you for your scouter number... you can skip that part... If it asks you for the council number, it's 272.


Jim - K8SSB


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